Environmental Campaign Urges People To Be Thankful For Pollinators This Thanksgiving

Imagine what your Thanksgiving table would look like without any food that is pollinated by bees. It’s a challenge issued by the group Environment Washington, which is highlighting the issue with a campaign called “No Bees, No Food.” Canvassers for the group say if bees die off, then turkey, rolls and potatoes are all  that would be left on the […]

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Ancient Boiling Oceans

In its early days, Earth became hell. About 3.3 billion years ago, new research indicates, at least two massive asteroids 30 to 60 miles in diameter smashed into this planet, boiling the oceans and sending atmospheric temperatures soaring to an unimaginable 932 degrees Fahrenheit. Stanford University scientists have found evidence of this extreme era in a geological formation in South […]

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A warmer world will be a hazier one

Aerosols, tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere, impact the environment by affecting air quality and alter the Earth’s radiative balance by either scattering or absorbing sunlight to varying degrees. What impact does climate change, induced by greenhouse gases (GHGs), have on the aerosol “burden”–the total mass of aerosols in a vertical column of air? Past research done […]

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Antarctic scientists face breathalyzer tests due to alcohol-fueled fighting and ‘indecent exposure’

Breathalyzers could be used to curb alcohol abuse among scientists at US bases in Antarctica following “unpredictable behavior” caused by excess drinking, including fights and indecent exposure. Officials from the National Science Foundation told an audit of healthy and safety at the two US-run bases — McMurdo Station and the South Pole — that drinking has led to “unpredictable behavior […]

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Pope Gives “OK” For Atheists To Enter Heaven

Pope Gives OK For Atheists To Enter Heaven

In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio Scalfari, stating that non-believers (Atheists) would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences. Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: […]

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Oxygen-starved oceans held back life’s recovery after the ‘Great Dying’

Stanford scientists have found that chronically low levels of oxygen throughout the oceans hampered the recovery of life after the Permian-Triassic extinction, the most catastrophic die-off in our planet’s history. Also known as the “Great Dying,” global ecosystems collapsed as some 90 percent of species perished in this extinction event 250 million years ago. The new findings, published this week […]

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