subways “teeming with life”

Researchers who swabbed and tested DNA from surfaces in New York City’s subway system identified 562 species of bacteria, including microbes from mozzarella, sausage, hummus, kimchi, sauerkraut, rats, mice, and lice. Geneticist Christopher E. Mason said the bacteria found were not sufficient to cause disease, but that his work revealed the subways to be “teeming with life,” like “a rain […]

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Irish Healing Soil

Irish Healing Soil

Researchers have found soil that is from the Boho Highlands of Fermanagh, Northern Ireland to help with killing some of the world’s deadliest superbugs.  The soil has some unknown strain of bacteria that produces antibiotics.  This healing soil has been used by the people of Boho Highlands for centuries.  Its healing capabilities can help cure the pain from a toothache […]

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Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerous levels.  If drastic action is not taken soon it will become a bigger killer than cancer by the year 2050.  The report shows that at least 2 million people in the US are infected each year with germs that are resistant […]

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A deadly fever spreads

A devastating disease caused by airborne fungal spores is colonizing the Southwest in what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls “a silent epidemic.” The disease, coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, strikes more than 20,000 people per year in the region, 10 times the number it did 15 years ago. The spores live in the soil until wind lifts them […]

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When going ‘green’ makes people sick

When communities like San Francisco and Seattle began banning plastic bags, said Ramesh Ponnuru, it seemed like a public-spirited thing to do. But’ benign-seeming laws often have unintended consequences— and the plastic-bag ban is now producing a sickening result. The reusable shopping bags that people now use to bring groceries home turn out to be breeding grounds for bacteria carried […]

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