Poem – LAY FIGURE (By Frank De Canio)

Lay Figure – By Frank De Canio A woman’s like a full form mannequin some tailors utilize to make a dress. For well-stitched fabric needs a frame to pin itself on to ensure that points of stress are placed to maximize a proper fit. But fantasy’s a pattern that demands deft needlework if guys are to acquit themselves with more […]

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Poem – DEAR JOHN (By Frank De Canio)

Dear John (the Sophie to Der Rosenkavalier) By Frank De Canio Just like the Marschallin had been resigned to cede her lover to the ingénue to whom his heart would later be inclined, so Marietta’s mistress bade adieu to her so that her “Quinquin” could pursue no younger woman but a different sex than formerly she’d been accustomed to. Perhaps […]

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Poem – Noblesse Oblige (By Frank De Canio)

Noblesse Oblige – By Frank De Canio It isn’t strange that some sweet girl who’s charmed a male combatant in the sexes’ war should, seeing that her former foe’s disarmed by awe, forgo hostilities she swore. For, after all, a man thus smitten cedes his prowess to exigencies of love. His heart is focused on romantic deeds and gallantry instead […]

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