News From Above

The Navy Has a Supergun

The Navy Has a Supergun

The US Navy is developing a supergun that can destroy a target at about 100 miles away with a bullet that can go eight times the speed of sound when fired.  It would destroy with pinpoint accuracy the target that ...
Do Infections Prevent or Treat Alzheimer's?

Do Infections Prevent or Treat Alzheimer’s?

Researchers have found that if the patient with Alzheimer’s is treated for any bacteria or infections it may help in the reduction of this condition.  The immune system is being researched more to see if it can be the key ...
Black Hole Discovered

Black Hole Discovered

A black hole when found in the center of the Milky Way would appear to be 10 times brighter than our full moon.  Scientists estimate that its light would have formed about 12 billion years ago and would have measured ...
Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes'

Stephen Hawking: ‘There are no black holes’

Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes' - Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has declared that black holes do not exist - at least not in the way we normally think about them. In a new paper, he tackles a scientific ...

Lady calls 911 due to bad pizza

■    A North Carolina woman called the 911 emergency line to report that Subway had given her a flatbread pizza made with marinara sauce instead of pizza sauce. 'It's terrible, and I got my receipt" Bevalente Hall, 37, told 911 ...
U.S. debt

How U.S. debt went out of control

How did the U.S. debt get so high? The crucial turning point came back in 2001, said Lori Montgomery. At the time, Uncle Sam was actually running surpluses, and “the outlook was so rosy” that forecasters were predicting the U.S ...

Russia Imprisons Citizens for Posting Anti-Kremlin Memes

For showing a picture of a tube of toothpaste with the words “Squeeze Russia out of yourself” Andrei Bubeyev was arrested and sentenced to over two years in prison.  He showed this to twelve of his friends on social media ...

The world’s No. 1 streaker

Mark Roberts likes nothing more than taking off his clothes in public, said Adam Lee P6tter in The Daily Mail (U.K.). The 48-year-old from Liverpool, England, is the world’s most notorious streaker: He has appeared naked at 519 public events, ...

Fish on drugs

Psychiatric medications passing through sewage treatment plants could be dramatically changing the behavior of fish. After researchers discovered low levels of common anti-anxiety drugs called benzodiazepines in perch living downstream from a treatment plant in southern Sweden, they tested the ...
Planet Nine Solar System - Antarctica Journal News

Does Planet Nine Really Exist?

There’s a controversy in planetary science — some researchers propose that the Solar System has a ninth planet with a distant orbit around the Sun. In search of a ninth planet has been on astronomers minds for some time.  They ...