News From Above

Millennial Views

The lower you go on the generational totem pole, the more ethnically diverse you get. Young adults between 18-24 (so-called Millennial) don't like racial labels because they don't recognize the dividing lines of the past—they are the vanguard of a ...

Too drunk to get married

■ An Australian groom showed up so drunk for his wedding that a minister refused to perform the ceremony and his furious fiancee broke up with him. When Jacob Brookes, 41, allegedly stumbled into the church still drunk from his ...
Cigar-shaped UFO Zipped Past Earth

Cigar-shaped UFO Zipped Past Earth

Astronomers and Scientists have discovered an asteroid from another solar system has traveled past the Earth on its long journey through space.  This asteroid has been named Oumuamua (Hawaiian for “messenger from afar arriving first”) and was first observed back ...

Robust kids dying from the flu

A child’s general good health is no guarantee that a case of the flu won’t have fatal consequences, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A surprising 43 percent of the 830 children who ...
Male Birth Control - Antarctica Journal News

Male Birth Control Pill

It is finally here – the Male Contraceptive Pill.  Male Birth Control Pill Expected to Start Human Trials in 2022. The new non-hormonal pill was 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy in mice. The male birth control pill could offer ...

Holy Eggplant!!!

A Louisiana chef had a religious experience when he cut open an eggplant and found the word "God" spelled out by the seeds inside. Line cook Jermarcus Brady was sauteing vegetables at a Baton Rouge restaurant when he sliced the ...

Florida Boy, 12, Steals Car From Elderly Man

A 12-year-old Florida boy was arrested after stealing an 89-year-old man's car after telling the man he needed to check his tires. The boy, who St. Petersburg authorities say has been arrested at least 20 times, is allegedly seen on surveillance footage approaching a ...

Why Iranians Flee On False Passports

Most analysts do not believe the two Iranians who used stolen passports to board the doomed Malaysia Airlines flight were terrorists. So why were they on the plane? The most probable reason being... they were simply hoping to find a ...

Indefinite Detention Of American Citizens

President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 including a separate section that could allow the military to indefinitely detain American citizens on suspicions of supporting terrorism. His signature means indefinite detention without charge or trial will ...


A new World Health Organization report shows that 3.3 million people die each year from alcohol use. Here's a look at annual alcohol intake around the world in liters per person over age 14: ...