Poem – HOW I KEEP FIT (By John Grey)

HOW I KEEP FIT – By John Grey The sidewalks in the city are like exercise equipment. There’s a mix of long strides on the cement treadmill and the shorter, quicker gait of the elliptical workout. A few stand at the street corner, stationary pedaling while waiting for the lights to change. Some hoist brown briefcase dumbbells. Others try the […]

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Poem – HOW I KEEP FIT (By John Grey)

HOW I KEEP FIT – By John Grey The sidewalks in the city are like exercise equipment. There’s a mix of long strides on the cement treadmill and the shorter, quicker gait of the elliptical workout. A few stand at the street corner, stationary pedaling while waiting for the lights to change. Some hoist brown briefcase dumbbells. Others try the […]

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Poem – HOW TO BREAK SNOW (By John Grey)

HOW TO BREAK SNOW – By John Grey Something foreign helps, armored vehicles adorned with unfamiliar grim-faced eagles rolling down white slopes, and explosions in the distance, close at hand – loud red, even louder black, instant thaw. No tool more expedient than soldiers pounding on a door, the path more hob-nailed print than even sheen, roof and eaves cascading […]

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Poem – THE STUDS IN THE BAR (By John Grey)

THE STUDS IN THE BAR – By John Grey Rosalie is at the bar thinking – who’s next? Then two extravagant, exaggerated beings enter, one behind the other, like stallions, heads high, tails swishing, threaten to pull the floor out from under the regular male patrons with their jangling gold, French cologne, and styled hair flopping on the brow like […]

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Poem – MEET THE MADNESS (By John Grey)

  MEET THE MADNESS   A Providence twilight, late November, every man and woman dressed in gray, sliding in and out of panels or emerging from dark recesses, all faces plain, hair drab, eyes shut, tongues muted, and there, high up in the skyscrapers, mouths in windows pause mid-shriek, as, down by the riverside, water rats crack on scattered bones […]

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Poem – MISS JULIE-ANNE (By John Grey)

MISS JULIE-ANNE – By John Grey She pours drops of whiskey on the withered rose petals. Then wields the hose with a cigarette flopping from her lower lip.   What doesn’t intoxicate her flowers, she drinks. Ashes fall onto the buds. The bees will have to suffer for their pollination.   She passes the graves of all her cats, apologizes […]

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Poem – DEAR SPIDER (By John Grey)

DEAR SPIDER – By John Grey Ants are more efficient at what they do than people. Weeds can grow just about anywhere. Animals kill to survive not for pleasure. And they collect no gewgaws besides.   A homeless man sits on the pavement, holding up a sign, with a cup before him that’s hungry for coins. Most people stride on […]

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