Mugged On Camera

Johannesburg With cameras rolling, a South African journalist was robbed by two men just moments before he was to give a report. The video shows the two assailants scuffling with reporter Vuyo Mvoko, who shouts, “Hey we’re being mugged!” as he gives up his cellphone and a laptop. “Every South African lives with the reality of crime,” said the South […]

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The evolution of justice

Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, turn a blind eye to crimes that don’t affect them directly, suggesting that third-party punishment— the foundation of complex societies governed by laws s and courts—is a uniquely human development. German researchers trained chimpanzees to 1 play one of three roles while facing one another in cages: One was given access to food within reach of […]

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China Implements New Human Trafficking Laws

According to China’s Ministry of Public Security news portal website, new laws implemented in 2015 citing criminal punishment for people buying trafficked women or children have proven effective. The new laws took effect on 10/1/15 and remains in effect today. The laws outlines the prosecution for buyers of trafficked persons, whereas previous provisions said they were exempt if they did […]

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