Poem – Salt and Pepper (By Donal Mahoney)

Salt and Pepper   White privilege it’s called and recently I learned its name although I’ve been white as a sheet for decades. Like breathing and eating I take  white privilege for granted.  I push a cart through a megastore in bib overalls and no one follows me and when I hail a cab in a snow storm, it picks me up. My freckles may be a stop sign.   Not so […]

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Poem – A Puzzling Marriage (By Donal Mahoney)

A Puzzling Marriage   Married 60 years Fred and Daisy still are very different people.   All day long they hide their differences to make their marriage last but every night after supper they let them out silently.   Fred in his recliner works  a crossword puzzle while Daisy in the dining room works a jigsaw puzzle   but neither Fred nor Daisy  speaks a word until one has finished and howls […]

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Poem – Flotsam and Jetsam (By Donal Mahoney)

They’re usually poor people, sometimes considered the flotsam of society, always in the way at the grocery store, at the post office. They can’t find their money, if they have any. They’re never in a hurry. They have nowhere to go and you’re always in line behind them, a busy man with people to see, appointments to keep, deadlines to meet. You try to […]

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Poem – Sally in the Alley and Joanie in the Weeds (By Donal Mahoney)

  Sarah makes sandwiches all day, piling meat and trimmings high on pillowy bread she spreads   apart before her customers’ eyes. Hardworking men love her sandwiches and sometimes date her after work   but none so far has mentioned marriage. This confuses Sarah who’s as open as her bread in satisfying men.   That’s not too wise, says Ethel, a granny clone Sarah chats with after lunch-hour […]

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