Ice Levels In Antarctica Increasing

Cynic contentions that Antarctica is picking up ice every now and again rely on a slip of oversight, to be specific overlooking the contrast between area ice and ocean ice. In glaciology and especially regarding Antarctic ice, not everything is made equivalent. Give us a chance to consider the accompanying contrasts. Antarctic area ice is the ice which has aggregated […]

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Antarctic Thaw Now Unstoppable

The continued melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet is progressing faster than expected, and the resulting rise in sea levels will have a global impact.The stark new findings point to a potential sea-level rise of up to 10 feet or more in the coming centuries. This increase in the global sea-level will threaten many major cities, including New York, […]

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10 Foods Predicted to Go Extinct

How Climate Change Could Affect Our Diet  Climate change and a shopping list? At first glance, it seems just a wrong correlation. Well, it is not! Climate change is already affecting our present and it will heavily influence our future. The extreme weather conditions brought by climate change are progressively increasing the risk of drought, floods, heat waves and wildfires, […]

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Cockroaches And Global Warming

Studies have shown that cockroaches break wind on the average of every 15 minutes. Even after death they will continue to release methane for up to 18 hours. In a global scale, insect flatulence is estimated to account for 20% of all methane emissions. This puts the cockroach as one of the biggest contributors to Global Warming.

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Record-Breaking Heatwave Causes Intense Arctic wildfires

Uncontrolled wildfires ravage the Arctic

More than 100 intense Arctic wildfires have ravaged the Arctic since June, with scientists describing them as “unprecedented.” Satellite images show huge clouds of smoke billowing across uninhabited Arctic land in Greenland, Siberia and parts of Alaska. The wildfires come after the planet experienced the hottest June on record and is on track to experience the hottest July on record, […]

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The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears

The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears

Polar bear numbers are expanding The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears has been quite significant. “A main Canadian power on polar bears, Mitch Taylor, said: ‘We’re seeing an increment in bears that is truly phenomenal, and in spots where we’re seeing an abatement in the populace it’s from chasing, not from environmental change.’” ( Polar bears are found […]

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