Do Dolphins Have Conversations?

Do Dolphins Have Conversations

A study in Russia has shown that dolphins while traveling through the ocean at incredible speeds, fighting with sharks still have the time to have a chat with each other.  Dolphins chat via sonar with other dolphins like having a conversation like people.  Like people they are very polite, like waiting without interrupting while the other is “speaking”. Dolphins are […]

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New Human Organ Discovered

New Human Organ Discovered

New York University Langone School of Medicine have discovered what might possibly be an unknown organ that lines the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.  This organ may be helping in the transportation of cancer cells around the body.  They discovered this by the use of routine endoscopic procedures where they can enter the patient’s stomach and take a look at […]

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Does Painkiller Dull Empathy?

Acetominophen Warning

If you take Acetaminophen for pain you may also be dulling your empathy.  Over 50 million people take acetaminophen for their pain every week, but it may also dull your sensitivity to others pain and distress.  After taking 1000mg of acetaminophen students were given eight articles to read about very sad family situations.  In this study they showed very low […]

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