Cartoon – Debates

Climate change may have helped to alter the course of history. A period of extreme and unprecedented cooling in the northern hemisphere 1,500 years ago may have reduced the eastern Roman empire, set the stage for a famine and a devastating pandemic that killed millions, and favored the rise of the Islamic forces that created the Arab empire. The so-called Little […]
Read moreA Danish politician is trying to stand out from his rivals in national elections by appearing in X-rated campaign posters wearing nothing more than a cowboy hat, a holster, and a determined gaze. John Erik Wagner, 51, who is running for prime minister as an independent, has become known as “the naked cowboy” for the racy ads, which he’s posted […]
Read moreA vicious racist ideology is taking hold in Myanmar, said Burmese blogger Maung Zarni. A “neo-Nazi Buddhist movement” known as 969, led by “fascist monks,” is trying to drive the Ro-hingya Muslims out of the country. Nobody is stopping these fundamentalists—not the military, and certainly not opposition leader and human-rights advocate Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been photographed wining […]
Read more“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.” – Plato
Read more“In politics, sincerity is everything. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” – Groucho Marx
Read more“It may be necessary temporarily to accept a lesser evil, but one must never label a necessary evil as good.” Margaret Mead
Read more“Throw a few chairmen of the board in jail for polluting the air and water, and you’ll see pollution disappear quite rapidly…. You would also probably see some pretty drastic prison reforms.” – Fortney H. “Pete” Stark
Read moreThe reason for the voters’ despair is plain, said Ron Fournier in The American dream of upward mobility seems dead, and neither party seems to have any plan to revive it. “For many, the Republican Party is becoming too extreme, while the Democratic Party—specifically, President Obama—raised and dashed their hopes for true reform.” In polls, a majority of Americans […]
Read moreJetBlue said it would offer a chance to win free, round-trip tickets to other countries for disgusted customers whose preferred presidential candidate loses the election. The company is planning to give away more than 1,000 tickets.
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