UFO’s Falling To Earth In China

Inhabitants of towns in the Heilongjiang area of China reported three UFOs tumbled from the sky on Friday morning, as per the China News Service. The roundabout, metallic articles collided with the ground of two provinces after “villagers heard…a tremendous piercing sound, and after that a few villagers saw a major fireball” that in the long run fell in a […]

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Boy’s eyes stolen

Linfen, China A suspected Chinese organ trafficker gouged out the eyes of a 6-year-old boy to steal the corneas for the black market. The boy was playing outside his house in Shanxi province last weekend when a woman kidnapped and drugged him. His parents found him hours later with bloody eye sockets, and the eyeballs were found nearby missing the […]

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China’s Moon Missions

China’s Moon Missions

The stage has been set for a new space race between China and the US.  China has sent a lunar lander to the dark side of the moon.  Since communication is not feasible from the dark side the Chinese had to send a relay satellite up in a specific location so that they can transmit information from the craft and […]

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Chinese Man Marries a Robot

Chinese Man Marries a Robot

Since a Chinese engineer has found it difficult to find love he decided to build and marry his own robot bride.  He was getting tired of getting pressured from his family and friends to get married so he decided to make his own wife.  He dated her for over two months and then got married at a ceremony attended by […]

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Horror over baby murder

Changchun, China The senseless killing of an infant has plunged China’s social media sites into another round of soul-searching. The baby was in a car stolen outside a grocery in northeastern China, and the carjacker admitted to strangling and burying the child. Chinese Internet users contrasted the story with a similar incident in New York City last month, in which […]

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Skynet is watching

The Chinese government has revealed that it has a nationwide surveillance system to track dissidents, and it bears the same name as the evil computer network that tries to destroy humanity in the Terminator movies. Skynet, begun in 2005, has at least 20 million cameras installed across the country in public places, including on buses and streets, and outside dissidents’ […]

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Lego Censors Chinese Artist

Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei has accused Lego of ‘censorship and discrimination’ after it refused to let him to use its bricks in a new exhibition. The artist also suggested the Danish toymaker was worried about offending Beijing as it looks to expand in China and build a new manufacturing plant there. Lego had refused a bulk order for bricks […]

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Choking smog in China

Beijing The cloud of pollution over Beijing grew so dense this week that much of the city was rendered invisible. Hundreds of flights were grounded, auto traffic was stalled for scores of miles, and residents rushed to buy masks and air filters. Chinese officials downplayed the air-quality crisis, as usual, saying their readings showed that air pollution was “moderate.” But […]

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