Pakistani activists seek to block Chinese power plants

Karachi, Pakistan Nuclear plants at risk: Pakistani activists are seeking to block the construction of two nuclear power plants in an earthquake-prone, coastal area that is vulnerable to tsunamis. The Chinese are building the two reactors—using an experimental design—less than 20 miles from the sprawling city of Karachi, where 20 million people would be at risk should a reactor meltdown […]

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Monitoring your tweets

What happened to the Conservatives’ promise to roll back the surveillance state? said James Ball. The British are already the most-spied-upon people on the planet, with hundreds of thousands of video cameras recording our comings and goings. Junior-level bureaucrats have the authority to “ping” our mobile phones to find out where we are at any given moment. Now they also […]

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Arab Nations Ignore Refugees

Arab Nations Ignore Refugees

Arab Nations Ignore Refugees. There have been over 4 million refugees leaving Syria due to their Civil Unrest that has been going on for over a decade.  Western countries are now trying to figure out how to accommodate all these refugees.  At this time, they are struggling and failing to help these refugees coming into their countries. Some of the […]

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