Doctor examining patient obesity on light background

America is now in an Obesity Epidemic with 70% of Americans overweight or obese.  This according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention state the 40% of adults and 20% of adolescents are obese.  In the US obesity is a major health issue – increased risk of certain cancers, diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke and an early mortality.  Obesity […]

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The Danger of Keeping Secrets

The Danger of Keeping Secrets

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying “You’re only as sick as your secrets” which you know is one of the hallmarks of alcoholism, addiction, and deception.  The addict keeps the secret to cover up their addiction which leads them to deceive themselves and others.  When alcoholics become sober, they tend to be totally honest with people, to keep themselves from going […]

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A pill to burn fat

Tired of exercising to shed excess pounds? Scientists at Harvard University may have discovered a way to help you lose weight—just by taking a pill. The human body has two kinds of fat cells: white cells, which store excess calories in the form of flab, and brown cells, which burn energy to produce heat. “What we wanted to do is […]

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Pope Francis Cures Cancer With Papal Kiss

Pope Francis Cures Cancer

A Philadelphia baby has a new lease on life after a kiss from Pope Francis. Parents and followers believe that Pope Francis cures cancer simply by kissing this ailing infant. It’s the kiss Gianna Masciantonio’s parents call the Miracle on Market St.  They insist the quick kiss during the pontiff’s recent visit to the city is partially responsible for her […]

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